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A device with black rings in a clear container floats in microgravity; a researcher with a head-mounted camera smiles at it. Background: Two researchers with surgical skull caps conduct experiments, their feet tucked under black straps to prevent floating.

Get Involved with NASA

We invite members of the public to contribute their time and expertise to advancing research, solving problems, and potentially winning prizes as a result of their work. We also invite you to find out all of the ways you can bring NASA into your life through participating in experiences, learning engagements, and activities that you can do on your own.

Help NASA Solve Challenges

NASA invites the public to develop solutions in support of the agency's missions. Below are current opportunities, including prize competitions, challenges, crowdsourcing, and solicitations that address the agency's needs.

NASA TechLeap Prize Information

Details about the TechLeap Prize | The Challenges | Webinars | News Challenge Details

Lunabotics Challenge

University-level competition for teams to use the NASA systems engineering process to design, build, and operate a lunar robot.

NASA Student Launch Challenge

Middle/high school and college-level student teams design, build, test, and launch a high-powered rocket carrying a scientific or engineering payload.

Participate in NASA Research

Citizen Science

NASA citizen science projects are open to everyone around the world, not limited to U.S. citizens or residents.

NASA’s citizen science projects are collaborations between scientists and interested members of the public. Through these collaborations, volunteers (known as citizen scientists) have helped make thousands of important scientific discoveries. More than 450 NASA citizen scientists have been named as co-authors on refereed scientific publications. Want to work on some real NASA science? Be a Citizen Scientist!

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The Biopolymer Research for In-Situ Capabilities team assembles the control experiments that will be delivered to middle school classrooms for the students to run as part of the citizen science program. Image courtesy of Ben Gao.

Bring NASA into Your Classroom

Professional development, webcasts, lectures, contests, and more

Browse opportunities that integrate NASA missions, educational resources, and NASA-unique facilities to provide high-quality STEM content and hands-on learning experiences. Educators return to their classrooms equipped with real-world experiences relevant to NASA content, hands-on training, and readiness to teach and engage their students in the STEM areas.

Learn More about Bring NASA into Your Classroom
NASA STEM Educator Professional Development Collaborative

Explore Student Opportunities

Multiple challenges and opportunities reaching a broad audience of middle and high schools, colleges, and universities across the nation.

Group photo of students standing on a staircase holding small rovers

NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars

Challenges are designed to build student knowledge and skills in STEM by focusing on NASA's goals, collaboration, and career pathways.

Group of students carry their rocket at the 2023 Student Rocket Launch Week challenge.

NASA Student Launch Challenge

Student Launch is a research-based, competitive, experiential exploration activity. This project offers multiple challenges reaching a broad audience of middle and high schools, colleges, and universities across the nation.

A group of native American students holding their rockets

First Nations Launch

The competition offers Tribal college-level students the opportunity to demonstrate engineering and design skills through direct application in high-powered rocketry.

Attend a Virtual Event

NASA’s Global Precipitation Measurement Mission Webinar Series

Join NASA’s GPM mission team for a series of webinars to celebrate 10 years of Earth observations that have helped us better understand our water cycle, improving life around the globe.

In the next webinar of the series, find out how Earth-observing satellites are able to measure precipitation, temperature, and other weather variables from space. Learn about remote sensing and gain an understanding of how and why we use satellites to help us observe and protect our home planet. Next Event Date: July 11, at 8 p.m. EDT.

Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM)
Built upon the success of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission, GPM provides climate, weather, and hydrological predictions through more frequent and accurate measurement of precipitation across the world. Launch: February 2014 Operating Network: Near Space Network

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Seven clear, rectangular bottles with blue screw-on caps are turned on their sides and stacked in a column of three and four inside a metal incubation chamber. Inside each of the bottles is a reddish liquid.

Help NASA explore creative possibilities for addressing the agency’s needs through prizes, challenges, and crowdsourcing opportunities.

Earth Rotation Detector

These projects are collaborations between scientists and members of the public.

3 girls pose with a robot at the Lunabotics Women in STEM event

We’re launching learning to new heights with STEM resources.

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